Tumult Hype 2.0

are pleased to release  and debut a brand new companion iOS app, Hype Reflect! 2.0 is a major update with powerful new creative capabilities. Paired with Hype Reflect, it takes your HTML5 to the next level.

What's new in Tumult Hype 2.0

Tumult Hype 2.0 contains many frequently requested features, including:

  1. Instant previews with Hype Reflect
  2. Audio actions
  3. Curved paths
  4. Web fonts
  5. Swipe and touch events

These are just the start; Tumult have packed even more heavy hitting improvements and several small bits of polish into this release. Tumult are incredibly proud of Tumult Hype 2.0 and think you'll love it — 2.0 is Tumult' greatest update yet.

Tumult Hype is the builder for OS X. Explore the top 10 new features of Tumult Hype 2.0 in 10 minutes and learn about Hype Reflect, a brand new companion app for iOS.

1. Instant Preview to iOS
2. Audio Actions
3. Curved Motion Paths
4. Web Fonts
5. Swipe and Touch Events
6. Mobile Options
7. Enhanced Preview Toolbar Button
8. Engine Visibility
9. Shapes
10. Technology

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