Could Star Wars be Blade Runner? The two sci-fi franchises collide in this short snippet of footage from the canceled TV series , leaving to wonder what traveling the underbelly of the planet-wide city of Coruscant might have been like.

All rights belong to Stargate Studios and Lucasfilm. Released test footage from 2010 of the cancelled Star Wars TV show “Underworld,” which was to take place in the lower levels of Coruscant. The series was set after the events of Order 66. The game “1313” was to be a tie-in of this series. Due to the immense cost of shooting the series, as well as the selling of Lucasfilm to , “Underworld” was delayed and eventually cancelled. This footage was produced by Stargate Studios (whose VFX resume includes Doctor Who, , ) in partnership with Lucasfilm. The VFX technology displayed in the making-of portion is Stargate Studios' impressive real-time Virtual Backlot technology. For more information about the concept art, stories, and development of “Underworld,” as well as “1313,” this archive has much information: