Starry Night - Vincent van Dominogh

 recreated Vincent van Gogh‘s “Starry Night” from just over 7,000 dominos. The second attempt took about 11 hours total to build.

The first attempt failed, when  dropped a screw from the camera rig onto it.  was able to improve the swirling better in the second attempt as a result though.  does not know how long the first attempt took, but  did not have any accidents like  did in the second attempt!

There were 2 small breaks in the of this project.  did not complete the leading grey line and left out a domino which stopped the reaction in the bottom. The star that is left standing was very close to falling, but the first dominos held in place 🙁

Music used in this is titled “” by Revolution Void
(The original track has been remixed to fit the setup sequence)

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