
Equal Marriage? 400 MPs Say Yes!

Party leaders at Westminster have hailed the significance of the backing for same-sex marriage in and in a key Commons vote.

Prime Minister said Tuesday's vote had been “an important step forward” and Labour leader called it a “proud day”.

MPs voted in favour of the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill by 400 to 175, a majority of 225.

But 136 MPs opposed the bill and have continued to voice their concerns.

MPs were given a free vote on the bill, meaning they were not ordered to vote a particular way by party whips.

Their decision to back the bill at second reading signifies that they approve of it in principle. The legislation will now receive more detailed parliamentary scrutiny.

via BBC News



The crowned portcullis, symbol of the Parliame...

The crowned portcullis, symbol of the of the United Kingdom. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The government's Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill for England and Wales has officially been introduced in the House of Commons by Culture Secretary Maria Miller.

A full debate by MPs and a vote on the proposals will take place on 5 February, with the bill due to be published ahead of that tomorrow.

Following a government consultation, Mrs Miller first outlined the to MPs in December.

All religious organisations, including the and Church in Wales, will be legally barred from marrying same-sex couples unless they choose to opt in.

The Equality Act is to be amended to ensure that no discrimination claim could be brought against religious organisations or an individual minister for refusing to marry gay couples (or allowing their premises to be used for this purpose).

Canon law – which bans the marriage of same-sex couples – will continue to apply; meaning it would require a change in both primary and Canon law before the Church of England and the Church in Wales would be able to provide marriages for gay couples.

Despite claims that almost half of Tory MPs could vote against the bill, David Cameron is likely to secure a majority in the Commons with the support of Labour and Liberal Democrat members.

The bill would then be subjected to the scrutiny of an MP's committee before making its way back to the Commons for a third reading – at which point it would then enter the House of Lords.

Mrs Miller has refused to rule out using the Parliament Act to override the Lords in the event the bill becomes stalled.

via PinkNews

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