• I will on the always making sure that; the subject and I are on public property.

• The post them to my and them with the following questions;

o Their profession?
o Their level & where?
o Their & dislikes?
o Their tribe (Chav or Goth etc.)

• After this I will put together a grouping of objects and writings as well as the photographs, that I think represent this person, based solely on the rules set by the answers people have given to my questions on paper and on my blog.

• I want to do this because people interest me and how people, myself included judge without even meeting or knowing them. This is why I can't answer the questions set above as I may have met them as apart of my . How the person's extrinsic persona reflects their reality or is it all just personal mythology. Again I'm doing this because I see interesting people in the street and at college, and I ask myself: What do they do? Who are they?

The for my major project and the questions form are ready!!! However if you have any comments on the question or the photos, please comment!